A Match Made in Manda Heaven

"Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative."

Find Your Path

When searching for a college to attend for the next four years, that ultimately will put you on a course that will impact the rest of your life, the decision becomes daunting.  How do you know what you want to do with your life at the age of 18? 
   I am now 22 years old and about to graduate from the University of Tampa in December 2018.  Things are much different now than when I began.  I read an article about a student named Ian Deloney, who had a similar story to mine. Going into university we both knew we wanted to study business but we also had a passion for art.  Starting off my freshman year I originally was just an art major, listening to people around me (don't suggest) I changed my major to business because "art doesn't make you money".  Going through my college career I was satisfied with my major but I knew something was missing.  I still painted and created, but the challenge was "how do I turn this skill that I have had a passion for my whole life, into something I can use to impact people's lives?" .  

Where Would We Be Without Design?

    Design influences our everyday life whether we realize it or not.  Advertising and marketing are the back bone of all the products we see.  The advertising makes us feel like we need a product, the design of the product might be the determining factor when trapped between two products.  In the article Deloney writes,“I love that I can pair the skills I learn in design classes with projects working with real companies through the business school,” so I urge everyone to go out and find something you love.  Your career will last you the rest of your life, so pick a good one! Advertising is very impactful and here is a link down below that will show you spoofs of important topics that will change the way you think about certain topics. 


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